Joshua Mann

Regional Director
41 Business Articles

Video: City Rail Link 2022, Year of the Big Breakthrough

View the highlights of the year with City Rail Link, and find out what made 2022 the Year of the Big Breakthrough.

By Joshua Mann

Link Alliance : New Zealand’s New Metro

Auckland’s City Rail Link is the largest infrastructure development project ever undertaken in New Zealand’s history. We take a look at Link Alliance, the consortium of companies involved, and speak to Project Director Francois Dudouit about large-scale boring, and an update on the megaproject’s progress.

By Marcus Kääpä Joshua Mann

Fletcher Morobe : Infrastructure for the Islands 

Playing a key role in Papua New Guinea’s development for more than 40 years, Fletcher Morobe continues to deliver significant building and infrastructure projects for the nation.

By Jack Salter Joshua Mann

Ooredoo Maldives : The Hot Tropic of Telecoms

Telecommunications and digital services are how we stay in touch, and Ooredoo Maldives is connecting the islands with its high-speed services and IT infrastructure.  

By Rachel Carr Joshua Mann

MEO Group : Marine Sustainability

Delivering operational excellence, we discover MEO Group’s safe, sustainable, and digitalised marine services and offshore vessel solutions with CEO, Darren Ang.

By Jack Salter Joshua Mann

Watercare : From Sky to Sea

Auckland is a rapidly expanding city by the water. Key to a growing population, Dr Jon Lamonte - CEO of Watercare - discusses the challenges of balancing water supply and wastewater treatment with the company’s sustainable aims for a greener New Zealand.

By Marcus Kääpä Joshua Mann

Ghella Abergeldie JV : Tunnelling The Way Forward For Auckland 

The Ghella Abergeldie Joint Venture represents a trailblazing union to deliver New Zealand’s largest wastewater infrastructure project. We go behind the scenes with Project Director, Francesco Saibene.

By Phoebe Harper Joshua Mann

NKW Group : Industry, Environment, Community

We shine a light on the NKW Group, it’s range of industry services available in the market, and developments for the future.