With their brand new state-of-the-art electricity power plant, PacificLight Power Pte Ltd, together with its retail arm PacificLight Energy Pte Ltd, are in the process of securing a bigger customer base and the brand recognition they deserve.
India International Insurance celebrates 25 years of underwriting and maintaining a superb claims record.
M+W Group recently celebrated 100 years of providing technology-related construction solutions for international clients.
With the project management market only just emerging in Asia, Merx Construction are always looking for ways to achieve smarter productivity.
Over the last decade, Singapore has been moving up the ranks of the world’s most expensive cities to live in.
Bangalore could benefit from a cloud-based technology network, which will make garbage disposal and recycling more efficient.
Starting today, Chinese customers of WeChat will be able to buy items through the app. Tencent have added support for any brands to allow customers to purchase items.
2013 was the strongest year for the Singapore hotel market post the Global Finance Crisis in 2007, when transaction volumes stood at US$10.3 billion.
Up to 60 Shanghai maths teachers are to be brought to England to raise standards, in an exchanged arranged by the Department for Education, BBC News reports.
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