Singapore Firms Top Sustainability Ranks

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Singapore Firms Top Sustainability Ranks

According to the latest ranking of global corporate sustainability, companies in Singapore scored the highest marks in Asia due to the city-state’s commitment to green living.

Real-estate developer Keppel Land, and telecommunications firm Starhub were the only two Asian companies on the top 25 list of the Corporate Knights’ ‘Most Sustainable Corporations’ index.

The Canadian investment advisory firm ranked Keppel Land as the fourth most sustainable company globally, while Starhub came in at 24th.

Sustainability is a term frequently used among biologists and climate change enthusiasts, but in the corporate world it measures how harmonious an organisation’s interests are with resource efficiency as well as the cultural and physical environment.

“The index rewards corporations that maximise value creation from scarce resources by calculating resource productivity for water, waste, carbon and energy,” Corporate Knights said in a statement. “This means that when economic fortunes decline and companies fail to make the necessary adjustments, resource productivity suffers.”

100 firms were covered in the annual ranking after being scored on various indicators such as the amount of revenue companies generate per unit of energy consumed, the ratio of CEO to average worker pay and lost-time injury rate.

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